About Me

My goal is to create meaningful and lasting relationships through my work.
Let's build something amazing together!

I am passionate about programming and developing software and pursuit of that passion led me towards Computer Science. I am a Gold Medalist in my Bachelors Degree, did internship in PepsiCo, and now currently work as Software Developer. I have completed several web development and frontend development boot camps and have extensive experience with developing frontend using ReactJS and MERN Stack developer. My aim in any of the projects is to build a well refined product, create long lasting, and purposeful relationships along the way and learn something new every time.

Things I Can Do

Following are some of the skills i have acquired over the time period spent developing websites, courses or self study.

  • HTML5
  • CSS 3
  • Bootstrap 5
  • NodeJS
  • ReactJS
  • MongoDB
  • JavaScript
  • RESTFUL Routing & API's
  • C#, ASP.NET Core

A Few Accomplishments

Following are some of the few pet projects i have made so far show casing the skills i have acquired over time.


It is a complete web application about campsites. The user can sign up, login, create new campsites, delete campsites they own, edit the pre-existing campsites, add comments to campsites, edit and delete comments to campsites along with the fuzzy search of the campsites. The website is hosted as well as connected to database for the persistance of campsites, users and comments.

Patatap Clone

It is a demo website i made similar to that of patatap website. On the press of a key music generates and a circle appears and disappears quickly. It's main premise is to generate creative music only using key presses. Paper.js and Howler.js library were used to acieve all this.

Landing Page

This is a landing page for a website made entirely from Flexbox and CSS with no CSS frameworks such as Bootstrap or SemanticUI.

RGB Color Guessing Game

It is a RGB Color Guessing Game where you have to choose the correct color using the provided RGB value. The site is made using JavaScript and some bootstrap mainly demonstrating the JavaScript working.

Restful API and Todo List

It is a Single Page Application(SPA) demonstrating the basic functionalities of Todo List using RESTFUL API. Although the application is simple the main objective is to showcase the working and understanding of Restful API.

Contact Me

Please fill out the following form if you want to reach out to me for anything regarding website development, UI designing, implementation of features in existing website or just some usual bug and fixes. I will be happy to help!

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